Many U.S. citizens are getting or already over weight or obese. Around the world we have the biggest and largest consumers of cheese burgers, french fries, fried chicken, and many more. Even kids growing up don't have any self control to what they consume. But there are ways to prevent being over weight, and that's to exercise 3 to 4 times a week. You can do Flexibility exercise, Aerobics exercise, and anaerobic exercise. They will help a lot with the process of loosing carbs. Also eat right do not try to skip a mean but if you do try having snack bars with you, (snack bars doesn't mean chocolate bar) eating right means you will need to eat your vegetables, fruits, fish, and meat. Please try to avoid any greasy or oily foods, bread, pasta, rice, and anything that's not organic. Do not forget to drink milk at night and orange juice in the morning, also drink 8 serving's of water daily. And get 8 or 9 hours of sleep. With this ruetin you'll lost weight and we'll be in your right size. You never know maybe you'll have a body jut like Nicole Scherzinger.